Thursday, December 27, 2007

The best clinical group ever!

I have officially completed my first semester as a nursing student. Believe me, this was no easy task. There were definitely moments when I wasn't sure I'd make it through, but I pushed through and with the support of friends and family I came out on the other side.

Some of the people that were vital to my survival this semester were the members of my first clinical group. This semester we studied medical-surgical nursing. I completed both of my practice clinical rotations at the Hospital of Saint Raphael (pronounced /Ray-feel/ here - don't know why).

The picture above is of my first group with our first preceptor. (Hey! We look sort of like nurses!)We worked/studied on the cardiac floor of St.Raphael's hospital. These guys were the best I could ever have asked for and kept me alive through the semester! THANKS GUYS!

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