A journey through the adventure we call life: joys, sorrows, experiences, feelings and life as one woman sees it. The older posts were written as a Peace Corps volunteer in Thailand. The ideas and opinions expressed here are in no way representative the Peace Corps.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
on to Chapter 2
In 30 minutes I will leave for my journey to Ecuador. Be sure to watch for some postings about that.
In two weeks I will begin semester number two. This one starts out with six weeks of psychiatric nursing. We'll see if this talent runs in the family.
Lesley and I are co-chairs of the the nursing school student government organization for this coming semester. I'm sure this will keep us busy (because we need that)!
I continue to study, study, study and dance Argentine Tango in my "spare time". And I promise I'll try to write more this semester!
Happy New Year to all!!!!
Navidad de Tejas
Outside of being around people who appreciate the true meaning of Christmas, I was struck again and again through the season by all of the little details that I love so much and missed while I was away. The parties, the lights, Christmas clothes, wreathes on people's doors, the cookies and the general holiday spirit that permeates each day during this time of year.
When I got home, I saw my cute little house all decorated for Christmas. This is the house that has been 'home' since my birth. Mom may sell it soon, but I was so glad to have at least one more Christmas here before that happens.
And no holiday season in complete without driving around looking at beautiful houses with beautiful lights. Here are a few that we saw.
white lights are my favorite!
My first Christmas celebration was with my mom's side of the family. Grandma Do turned 90 in October and though she is unable to speak because of her dementia, we know she still understand love!
my Do
The newest member of the family is little Miku. She just turned 1 and is Do's first and only great-grandchild. We all enjoyed watching this little one (especially her grandma!)
At dad's, before the celebrations began, I went with Abby out to the barn to see her "babies".
good pig. OINK!
her cow's name is Emma
(I try not to take this personally!)
Emma behaves better for her mom!
And as Rachael was managing a photos with Santa booth this year, we all had to go and have our picture taken with the old guy in red.
Merry Christmas Y'all!
What a semester!

It really was a good semester!
Trip to New York City with Asha
The next day back at my apartment, we had to do some modeling with our top of the line shirts we just HAD to buy the day before....
Lookin' good! Lookin' Good!!
Gotta love those cousins!
The first snowfall was really more of a tease. We did have some flaks like this in Atlanta a couple of times. Still, coming from 2.5 years of 80+ degree weather, I had to capture these first few flakes!
Blessing of the hands
At the end of the semester, the midwives from all three years had the annual "Blessing of the Hands" ceremony. Next semester the third year students will enter into full time integration - working one-on-one with a midwife preceptor in a full time clinical practice. In preparation of their departure, the second year students (along with us, the first years) give each midwife a hand crafted bowl of her own and pour salt water over her hands into the bowl to bless those hands that will help bring new life into the world. It was a really beautiful ceremony.
Nurses around town!
There is a place near us that has a free burrito bar on Thursdays. Granted the burritos that are free are not the best ones we've ever had. But, HEY!, they're free. What more can you ask?!?
Biomedical Pathophysiology - YIKES!
However, the teacher is quite expressive and I got a few good shots of my clinical friends during class (had to take a mental break and snap a few shots before I could try and wrap my mind around the content again...)
The best clinical group ever!

Some of the people that were vital to my survival this semester were the members of my first clinical group. This semester we studied medical-surgical nursing. I completed both of my practice clinical rotations at the Hospital of Saint Raphael (pronounced /Ray-feel/ here - don't know why).
The picture above is of my first group with our first preceptor. (Hey! We look sort of like nurses!)We worked/studied on the cardiac floor of St.Raphael's hospital. These guys were the best I could ever have asked for and kept me alive through the semester! THANKS GUYS!
My Apartment
My dear dedicated readers (if you still exist) I am so sorry! So, I shall try to make up for my lack of postings this evening. I leave for Ecuador in a few hours and was trying to sleep, but my excitement overwhelms me and instead I blog. Knowing that I'll have lots of pictures and stories to tell upon my return, I'll try to get caught up first.
Several of you requested pictures of my apartment. Finally I can say that we have transformed it from a house into a home. Here are a few pictures: