Here are some pictures from and descriptions of the rest of the ceremony:

Hinduism maintains that the prime wealth of a Hindu household is the daughter (Kanya), who symbolizes the goddess of wealth, Lakshmi. Kavita's parents place her hands in Christian's and pour holy water over them to finalize the gesture of gift giving (transfer of wealth). Kavita's father requests Christian to accept his daughter as an equal partner in all walks of life. It is noted in Vedic scriptures that there is no Daan (gift) greater than Kanya Daan (giving a daughter's hand in marriage). Christian promises to accept Kavita as his equal partner in life.

Jaya Home (Offerings)
Offerings are made into the sacred fire emphasizing the couple's joint responsibility in maintaining the love and dignity of their union.Paani Graham (Accepting the Hand)
Christian holds Kavita's hand and both of them solemnly pledge before God that they have become one and will love and devote themselves to each other for the rest of their rlives.

Mangal Phera
Mayur (Kavita's brother) puts rice in the hands of Kavita and Christian as an offering to Agni to dispel darkness and ignorance and lead light and knowledge. The couple then walks around the sacred fire four times. Each circuit represents the four basic goals of human life under the Hindu tradition:Dharma: Moral sense to lead a good life
Artha: Financial prosperity
Kama: Blessings for strong, virtuous children, adn to share the responsibilities of home
Moksha: Self-restraint and eternal physical, mental and spiritual strength
Together the four goals symbolize the couple's commitment to each other, the community and the cosmos. Kavita leads Christian for the first three rounds and Christian leads for the last.
Shila Rohan
A rock is placed in the north east corner of the mandap (stage). While Kavita places her right foot ont he piece of rock, Christian repeats the hymn, Ashma Bhava, after the priest. The statement encourages Kavita to be as stong as the rock, to be first towards any difficulties of life they may face together. Rice and flowers are sprinked on Kavita and Christian by her parents, relative, and friends.
Saptapadi (Seven Steps)
Christiana nd Kavita take seven steps forward together, symbolizing the beginning of their journey through life. These steps signify the guiding principles of life.Each of these steps represents the vows made byt he couple:
1. Together we will love, cherish, and respect one another from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health.
2. Together we will create a home full of joy and laughter, where we find serenity and strength.
3. Together we will share a steadily deepening love, which grows in understanding and unselfishness.
4. Together we will embrace each other's family as well as our own to come.
5. Let us have a measure of patience and forgive with grace.
6. Together we will develop a sense of value that we may care for people more than for possessions, for honor more than for honors, and for the dimensions of a home more than the details of a house.
7. Let us forever be best friends and partners, share each other's ideas and ideals.
The couple is now united and will pray for the blessings of God.
Sidhoor Daan
Christian puts Sindhoor (Red powder) in the parting of Kavita's hair and welcomes her into his life as his eternal partner. The newly wedded couple touches the feet of and takes blessings from the parents of both their families.
Akhand Subhagyavati
Married women come forward to wish Kavita happiness.
All the guests and relatives wish Kavita and Christian good luck, prosperity adn a long, happy married life together.
1 comment:
Wow! What an amazing experience. You are so lucky to have gotten to experience all this! Im so glad you are back though because Ive missed you sooooooooooo much! Hope to see you at new years!
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