In some ways it feels like I have been here much much longer. Thinking back on the surprises, fears and discomforts of the beginning of my time in Thailand makes me chuckle. The concept of Thailand as an unknown seems so foreign now. The surprises are now routine. The fears are now mundane. And though some of the discomforts still exist, I hardly notice the ones that first bothered me two years ago. I live here now. I am a part of this place and it is a part of me, though I often fight it.
And yet, I am so ready to leave. This experience has not been at all what I expected. I was warned to come without expectation. I thought I had. I learned that this is impossible. The patience and enthusiasm I arrived with has been exhausted. The needle on my tank is in the red section. It is time for me to go.
In December, right before I left for India, I had my final Peace Corps conference - "Close of Service" conference.
During this conference, all of the volunteers in my group came together one last time.
We had sessions on resume writing, job application and readjustment back into society in the US.
It was so interesting to look around at the 45 faces left from the group of 50 that arrived together two years ago. We have changed and grown in so many ways. Each of us found a different way to relate to and survive within Thai culture. Everyone's feelings were a little different. A hand-full of poeple are extending their service to finish a project and a couple more are staying for personal reasons. Some people have no idea where they will go from here, others have plans and are in the process of making them happen. This is a momentous turing point in our lives.
I am filled with emotions about this change and excited about what is to come. The sun is setting on this chapter of my life. But, the journey of life itself continues.
I have two more months left in my town before the day of my departure. During this time, I am working on tying up loose ends and preparing for the next step. I want to leave this place and this experience with positive energy - both for myself and my Thai counterparts. In some arenas that will be easier than in others.
The process of sorting - packing, donating, throwing away - is intense and rather tedious. But this is an exciting time. The journey continues.
Also, I wanted to share a neat opportunity I am looking into: Peace Boat. This is run by a Japanese organization. Participants travel in a boat on a journey around the world that takes three months. On the boat workshops are available on topics such as peace projects, social justice work and global health. At ports, participants can take part in local projects or enjoy local cultural experiences. It is just fantastic, though unfortunately quite expensive. I want to spread the word. Check it out. (The site can be viewed in English, Spanish or Japanese.)

You've made it! Way to go! Hooray for us! 2 years, it's almost unbelievable...
Hi Emily,
We haven't met but I've just found your blog on the net. I was on the 53rd voyage of Peace Boat as one of the Global English teachers. You're right, the experience is absolutely, life-changingly unreal. It's way cheaper as a volunteer teacher than being a passenger on Peace Boat (basically free) but it's pretty competitive to get on. You can check it out through the site and be sure to check out my blog too. (
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