On our way we stopped at McDonalds. Well, the McExperience in India is certainly interesting. As most Indians are Hindu, the hamburger has no market in India. Therefore, the menu consists of very few items: McChicken, McVeggie and McAloo. Take a look:
Another humerous part of our trip to McyD's was the preschool fieldtrip that was taking place while we were there. I went upstairs to use the bathroom and was met by a room FULL of dancing preschoolers being led by McDonalds staff.
One of our group even joined in the fun! HA!
Once at the base of the hillstation, I headed up by horseback. I was so excited to get to ride a little bit.
We were greeted by a band at the entrance to the hotel where we were staying
and then ushered to our rooms... and what fantastic rooms they were too. Kristina and I shared a "room" (which was really a suite). She stayed downstairs and I stayed upstairs. I think my favorite part was the stairs!
We were warned when we arrived that we must keep our doors shut, and LOCKED at all times due to the mischevious nature of the moneys in the area. We did have a monkey get in once, but no damage done. Some rooms were plagued with monkeys on the porches or finding their way inside. Those little buggers can open doors if they are not locked from the inside.
This guy takes a cool drink from the padio.
Soon after we were settled into our room, we headed back down to the entrance to welcome the bride and groom. We gathered flower petals to throw
And after a few false alarms, they finally arrived and were showered with the petals.
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