We are citizens of the world! Don't let the relative calm bubble surrounding us here keep you from helping your brothers and sisters in Haiti who are hurt, scared, homeless, hungry and truly in despiration! Remember, even the smallest donations, if made by each of us, add up quickly and will help save lives.
Dear all,
By now, I suspect that most of you have heard about Haiti's being hit by a 7.0 (magnitude) earthquake yesterday afternoon.
You can get the latest reports at:
As some of you know, I lived and worked in Haiti for most of 2008.
Not having done initial assessments of the impact, most relief organizations have not yet planned their medium-term response; for the moment trained emergency first responders are needed to administer medical and humanitarian aid.
Please see a list below of the many organizations who are seeking donations as they either collaborate with other organizations or construct their own response efforts. Each has a hyperlink, so just click on the organization's name and it will take you to a website where you can donate.
Habitat for Humanity
- Haiti Partners
- International Medical Corps
- Direct Relief International
- World Vision
- International Relief Teams
- YĆ©le Haiti
- American Red Cross
Operation USA
- Catholic Relief Services
- World Food Programme
- World Concern
- Save the Children
- Mercy Corps
- Operation Blessing International
- Shelterbox
- Americares
- Doctors Without Borders
- Medical Teams International
- International Committee of the Red Cross
- The Salvation Army
- Heifer International
For those of you who wish to give of your time and energy, I will be vigilantly keeping up with the efforts and working on ways that we can volunteer in the medium-term.
Until then, let us give as best we can and keep on praying for the people of Haiti.
Thank you,
Emily and Sheree in Haiti 3/2008
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