Saturday, September 23, 2006

Happy Jewish New Year!

After enjoying the "cool" weather of yesterday I decided to check the high temperature on line. According to Yahoo weather, the high was a mere 88 F. Granted, it may not have reached the high, but if 88 is nice and cool, it is a clear sign I have been here TOO LONG! HA.

For those that don't know, in this movie Tom Hanks and John Candy are both Peace Corps volunteers in Thailand. It is a spoof and nothing like life here. The movie is really foolish, but during the application process for Peace Corps, a friend of mine in Atlanta sugessted I watch it. This movie was his only ideas about life in Peace Corps. (Oh dear!) Anyway, I figured, after the coup, some adjustments should be made to this DVD cover.

In other news, I just read that the US has lost more soldiers in our current war than were killed on September 11th. (And of course, Iraqi and Afgan losses are thirty fold compared with the US.) I think we should all take a moment and remember those lost and say a prayer that this fighting ends soon. Each of those lives lost is a human: with family, friends, talents and dreams.


Wesley said...

ok you are too much!! This is really funny...I need to watch that movie sometime.

Katie V said...

I love it. I never noticed your man hands before...